A product-quality certificate that many European large-scale retailers want to be able to offer their consumers in guarantee of the safety and traceability of products, particularly fruit and vegetables.
GRASP expands on what is already present in the GlobalG.AP IFA standard regarding the health and safety of workers, and focuses on basic indicators for measuring social risk on farms.
“Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation” is the title of the relevant standard, the main purpose of which is to ensure food safety by allowing companies to identify and track the provenance of the ingredients used in food and feed products.
International Featured Standards (IFS) Food is a certification that is issued pursuant to an audit of the safety and quality of the products and the production processes of food companies. This standard was developed to promote food safety and quality across the entire supply chain. Its primary purpose is to ensure food products are safe for consumers and meet certain quality criteria.
Integrated production is an agricultural production system that favours sustainability through the husbanding of resources and the use of natural regulation in partial replacement of chemical substances.
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